Technology New Year's Resolutions for your Business


The New Year is a terrific time to start fresh and resolve to become better in the months ahead. Many businesses can certainly benefit from making some technology-based New Year's resolutions to improve cybersecurity. Here are some technology-based resolutions for your business in the New Year.

2020 Goal Plan Action

Upgrading Windows 7 Devices

Windows is no longer creating updates for these devices, leaving them more vulnerable to security threats. This problem has been compounded by the number of employee-owned devices now being used in the workplace. It is critical employers get a handle on the number of devices that use Windows 7, including ones owned and used by staff. Resolve to upgrade these devices and minimize future security threats. 

Improve Staff Security Training

One of the best ways to improve cyber security of your company is to improve basic security training for your staff. Maintain a regular schedule of training that reinforces the real threats from spam emails, phishing and threats from visiting unknown websites. Use real life examples. Security training should also include tactics on creating more challenging passwords and encourage employees to change passwords regularly.

Protect Your Data with Multi-Factor Authentication

If your organization is not currently using multi-factor authentication (MFA) to better secure data, now is the time to commit to it. MFA offers an additional layer of security, vastly improving the security of your information. It is interesting how many will use MFA on their smartphones but will leave critical business information less secure. 

Sometimes the best New Year's resolutions aren't the biggest one or most difficult to achieve. They can be simple and effective. To be successful, however, they must be implemented. That is the key to the above resolutions. They will have an impact, and they will improve the cybersecurity of your company. Resolve to take the necessary steps now to improve the security of your organization. 

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