The decision to outsource your IT or keep it in-house is a topic we discuss on a daily basis with businesses of all shapes and sizes. It’s a difficult and complicated question for any business, and one, we believe that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Let’s take a few moments to outline the reasons you may want to consider it for your business:
One of the biggest benefits our customers tell us about working with us is that it gives them the benefit of having more than just one IT professional. As a group, we have a wider range of business technology know-how then their internal team can provide. Outsourcing allows them to tap into our collective knowledge in a variety of industries.
Small-to-medium sized businesses need to keep their eyes on the prize, which means focusing on the business, not on the technology that runs their business. As a result, more organizations leverage service providers for most – or even all – of their IT operations. Software and hardware changes rapidly – we’ll stay up to date with the latest and greatest technology to ensure your business runs at its optimal level. And since it’s our core competency, we’ll provide sound advice to put your IT dollars to work for you.
From lost revenue to reputation damage to lost productivity, IT failure can have a large affect on any business. Outsourced providers will develop a disaster recovery plan, to quickly return your business to normal after a disaster has struck. In addition, they will provide around the clock monitoring to identify issues before they happen as well as help desk & on-site support to fix most problems remotely, so you don’t have to wait for a technician to arrive on-site.
With an outsourced provider, you’ll get more accomplished and increase your team’s operational efficiency and productivity. We’ll adhere to best practices and align your IT with your overall business processes, policies and compliance requirements. While we’re assuming and managing your IT risks, we’ll be focusing on your compliance with the latest regulations, your data security, hosted data centers, and more. As a result, improved company focus will allow you the time to focus on your core competencies.
Enhancing business productivity and profitability are goals of every business. When you outsource, you’ll eliminate the costs associated with hiring an employee, such as management oversight, training, health insurance, employment taxes, retirement plans etc. We’re well-versed in the ins and outs of technology which can help your company avoid costly mistakes. This, in turn, will allow your company to be more agile, flexible and dynamic because there is more time and energy to focus on growing the business.
Whether you choose to outsource or hire internally, one thing is certain, you must develop a close successful working relationship with your IT service providers.
Work alongside them to clearly form and communicate the goals and objectives of your business relationship. Develop a plan that includes all the expectations of the relationship, especially the financial aspect. And finally, have a strategic vision and plan for your project or relationship.